Modern Mint has only been around for just over a year, and last month we took our first steps into …
Top Garden Tip For Spring: Keep On Top!
People ask us what is our number one top tip for working in the garden in spring. It is not a simple answer, because there is always so much to do (the sap is rising) but we live by one tenet at this time of year… KEEP ON TOP! The ground elder, the nettles, the chickweed, the dandelions (all of these plants are edible by the way) – they seem to be flying through the borders right now, mixing themselves amongst the plants you want and making it more and more difficult to get in amongst it all and clear them …
Gilding the Lily – Amy Stewart (Part Four)
This is the fourth part in our series about the fabulous book Amy Stewart wrote on the cut flower industry, ‘Gilding the Lily’. You can read previous blogs here: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 It is a fascinating book that tries to describe what life is like for cut flower growers (and sellers) around the world. Do you buy this ‘luxury’ item from a country where people depend on growing flowers for an income, or does it not really help them in the long run? These are tough decisions to make, as any action you take affects a long …
The Alternative Guide To Things To Do In The Garden This Month
We are constantly encouraged to do a guide on ‘what to do in the garden in this month’ and, though valuable, you can find a list of jobs in just about any garden magazine or website you care to look at. They all say the same thing too, pretty much, so here at Modern Mint we wonder why we should bother adding to the vast sea of same old same old advice. The baying for us to do a guide to jobs for the month continues to grow though, so we have bitten the bullet and decided to do it – …