Garden design trends for 2017! Here we go again Modern Minters! We have peppered you over the last few years …
Gregory Porter… 17 and a 1/2 minutes of bliss….
For the gardener, it is easy to be impatient at this time of year – you may want to get out, plant some seeds, get growing and cutting back. But it is still just a touch too cold. Give it another week or so, let those cold winds warm up, let the soil get a bit more heat in it, so that when you finally plant your seedlings they will romp away in happiness. What can you do to remain patient? Listen to Gregory Porter for 17 and a half minutes, and just relax…. “Rest here in my garden….”
Green Elements at The Quay Theatre, March 12th
In less than two weeks my brand new talk Green Elements: Cultivating Your Garden In Extraordinary Times will be presented, for the first time ever, at the Quay Theatre in Sudbury. The date is March 12th and the time will be 3pm. See what the blurb says about the talk. For those of you this kind of thing matters to, there is no 6 Nations rugby on that afternoon. So don’t panic, you won’t be missing out if you come to the Quay Theatre…. Greener Sudbury, a community group in the town who are committed to making the area a …
The Garden of Charlotte Molesworth
We spent last week working with Charlotte Molesworth in her garden, clipping and tidying some of the amazing topiary that needed a light prune. Below are some of the of the photos, just taken on my phone and without filters…. what amazing shapes she has created in her garden over the last 30 plus years! Busy day #pruning with Mrs Molesworth….. #topiary #gardening #plantsmakepeoplehappy A post shared by ModernMint (@modernmintshop) on Feb 15, 2017 at 10:34am PST My little chaps…. A post shared by ModernMint (@modernmintshop) on Feb 15, 2017 at 10:38am PST Absolutely love the holly and boxwood hedge …