In Gardens Illustrated magazine a few issues back, they had an interview with Midori Shintani, the Head Gardener of Tokachi …
50 Shades of Sustainability
When we started the Modern Mint Shop we wanted to focus on products that held sustainability as a high value – we imagined they would be created from recycled materials, or from natural sources that, managed correctly, would save or improve an eco-system. It would be easy to meet the supplier, check they were doing what they said, and feel good about doing our bit. Nice and simple! But… … we had little idea the depth the word ‘sustainability’ has – significantly, products that may appear ‘green’ may prove themselves to create other problems somewhere along the way. A good example …
The Cycling Gardener of Liverpool
Today we offer you an interview with the Cycling Gardener of Liverpool, Mike Davies. A lovely part of our job at Modern Mint is that we get to go around asking other people how and why they garden – and this interview with Mike the Cycling Gardener is full of great tips and funny bits, so please read on and enjoy! Mike, you are the Liverpool Cycling Gardener – tell us how this has come about and why you chose to be a cycling gardener? Imagine getting up every morning knowing you were going to have to work 13 hours in …
Our 1 Year Anniversary
Today we celebrate 1 year since Modern Mint registered as a business – Happy Anniversary! We have come a long way in that time. The original website, when it went live, totalled a (whopping) four pages. Now we look back in amazement – we have the shop, the garden design work, the Chelsea Fringe projects, the organic topiary, the Ten Meadows project, the garden talks… and this, our 200th blog post. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step… … from little acorns do mighty oaks grow. These are well-known quotes, so over-used it is hard to notice how important they …