Modern Mint recently spent a week at Suryalila, in the south of Spain. They are a yoga retreat centre who …
10 Plants for Rain Gardens

For those of you ahead of the bell curve, working on the edges of contemporary garden design, then you will of course be building a rain garden – to slow down, filter, store and re-use rainwater in the garden. To help you, here are 10 plants for rain gardens…. Rudbeckia Persicaria Eupatorium Monarda Aster Hosta Iris Miscanthus Carex Cornus What do you notice about these plants? They are all good, tough garden plants whether you have a rain garden or not. Use them! As a bonus – Crocosmia, Bergenia, Hellebore and Sanguisorba will not have a problem being flooded occasionally …
10 Plants You Didn’t Know You Can Eat
Tonight we will be presenting our latest garden talk ‘Diluted’ to a local garden club here in Essex. Essex is a dry county, the typical British rain and grey skies seeming to miss it completely leaving us, as residents, with lots of sunshine and warmth. It also means there are a range of plants that will struggle to grow in the dry conditions, needing help from a hose or watering can filled with water – and this is never more so than in the vegetable garden, where too much water can kill off your seedlings, or too little means they …
Diluted – A New Talk about Water ‘Diluted’, our new garden talk about the gardener and their relationship to water, will be presented for the first time this week at Shropshire Organic Gardeners. This website will tell you where you can find your local #organic gardening group @gardenorganicuk — Modern Mint Ltd (@ModernMintLtd) February 1, 2016 We have learnt a huge amount, studied many books and asked lots of questions in order to find out how we use water. Below is a brief summary of what we know… 4 Ways We Use Water in the Garden To water the lawn, …