Books For Keen Gardeners
Here is an updated list of books for keen gardeners. I have enjoyed these books immensely, they range from designers …
Books – Gardening & Others I Recommend
I compiled a list of books using Bookshop, a new online shop to rival Amazon. I like it because it is supporting independent bookshops, helping them out by giving them an audience whilst their own physical premises are closed. The books I’ve listed are not all about gardening, but worth a look through and an order anyway as they are wonderful and have seen me through lockdown – and I hope they bring you some joy too! Check out the books I recommend here.
The Amelia Project
We have to give a massive shout out to our friends at Imploding Fictions for their brand new series… The Amelia Project Have you had a listen yet? The Amelia Project is an audio drama podcast that offers a very special service – they can make their clients disappear, giving them the chance to start over! The trouble is – how long can this new secret life last? We have had great pleasure in working with Imploding Fictions, who have written this fantastic new podcast, over many years. They have supported our work at Modern Mint and always listened as …
New Book By Sally Nex, Garden Writer
Sally Nex is a writer at The Garden magazine, the Guardian, Grow Your Own magazine as well as teaching at the online My Gardening School. We met her via Twitter and through emails a few years ago – and she is lovely. Her writing too is always interesting, worth a read. Sally gardens in Somerset, on an acre of land, where she says she battles the brambles and also looks after chickens and a flock of Dorset Down rare breed sheep. And now she has a new book coming out, based on Growing Your Own for Self Sufficiency. Published by …