Written a book? Think it should be published and available to search for on Garden Books at Amazon. Want the thrill, the validation for …
10 Ideas for Environment Friendly Gardening
Worried about the environment? Here are ten ideas to help you think about your gardening footprint and what you can do to help the planet! 1) Grow your own food and flowers. Asparagus, sweetcorn, peas… they all taste amazing when you can nibble them straight away. By choosing well, you can also have varieties that are far tastier than anything the supermarkets sell. Don’t be worried about the work involved either – by growing perennial vegetables and lots of fruit you don’t have to work as hard for a big bounty, as it will come back every year! 2) Don’t irrigate. …
Cut Flowers
Today we thought we would write about cut flowers again, taking inspiration from the book Vita Sackville-West’s Sissinghurst: The Creation of a Garden. We have written about this book before (try this blog post about Vita Sackville-West) but thought we would give a whole blog post to our favourite chapter – Cut Flowers. So, in the words of Vita, and with a little help from Sarah Raven, here are a few reasons to grow your own flowers for the vase… “A flowerless room is a soul-less room, to my thinking; but even one solitary little vase of a living flower …
Easy Bulbs to Plant this Autumn
What are the best looking, easiest bulbs to plant this Autum? Here are a few we are putting into designs for our clients… 1) Narcissus ‘Thalia’ 2) Allium ‘Purple Sensation’ 3) Narcissus ‘Actaea’ 4) Narcissus ‘February Gold’ 5) Tulipa ‘Ballerina’ (We thought about adding pictures and explanations to help you decide they are worth planting – but planting bulbs is such an act of faith – that we didn’t want to give away what will come up in the spring. What we mean is, you get these tough little bulbs and bury them in the dark, let life carry on and forget …