
Modern Garden Design

Tucked away in the March issue of The Garden magazine is a lovely article by James Wong of ‘Grow Your Own Drugs’ fame. He speaks about the Victorian gardeners (like the ones who grew pineapples for the table) and how they continuously experimented and tested new garden ideas. “The huge irony is that the great Victorian gardeners we struggle to emulate were obsessed with innovation… characterised by an almost pathological pursuit of novelty.” Questioning previously held truths and exploring new avenues of thought about gardens and gardening is the best thing we can do as designers/gardeners/landscapers. The most valuable card …



The Design Process

A typical design process will go like this: Job Specification – we will meet with all the users of the garden on-site and find out what you want, what you need and what potential scope your garden project has. This is the most important part as it sets out clearly what a succesful project will feel like, and gets us in sync with you right from the start. Survey – the structural basis of the design work. Outline Design – initial concepts and ideas are presented, allowing for further discussion and development with you. Final Design – Detailed plans and specifications are …