The Vegetable Orchestra!
We want to share with you this incredible edible orchestra! Just take a look at 1 minute 38 seconds …
Someday We’ll Linger In The Sun
‘Someday We’ll Linger In The Sun’ is a beautiful song by the wonderful fiddle player Gaelynn Lea.It is this lack of sunshine we want to speak about today… As the weather reaches a balmy (barmy?) 1 degrees celsius outside, here at Modern Mint we think it is better to stay in and read about gardening than be outside doing it. Uninspired? No, just don’t want to freeze again today! We love the cold weather at this time of year, love the garden and the way it looks as the frost begins to melt… The difference between #light and #shade….. A …
Boxford Gardening Club
Last night Modern Mint visited a wonderful garden club in Suffolk, Oxford Gardening Club. Darren presented one of his favourite talks – ‘What Do I Do With This Space?’ and sold several items afterwards, including the Modern Mint hand creams and hori hori knives. A hori hori knife is a Japanese trowel, a lethal weapon and an incredibly popular item on our shop – we also sold a few online last night, so are packing those up this morning! Answers to Questions from Boxford Gardeners The first question we need to answer is: who is the designer that worked with …