Jump Over The Moon The video features Monty Don visiting different gardens in South Africa. If you watch a short section from 26-30 …
Ulting Wick Garden, Essex, NGS
The National Gardens Scheme is well underway for 2014. Yesterday we saw the garden at Ulting Wick in Essex, owned by Phillipa Burrough and run by herself and full-time gardener Neil. This garden has been featured in Gardens Illustrated, and is renowned locally for the exuberant display of tulips in the spring. It was a real pleasure to walk around and superbly cared for – Phillipa herself was a pocket rocket dashing around with the lawnmower preparing for the big open day on Sunday 27th April. If you are free, do head to this part of Essex and take your …
Talking Grass
Talking Grass is a blog by writer Sara Gregson. We recommend you take a look as it pulls together the many functions grass plays in our lives – from providing food for the animals we eat, to providing the surface we kick a ball on – making us stop and think about something we so often take for granted. We like that kind of writing… Her post ‘Lawns are Far from Pointless’ has several highlights, including telling us about the Salisbury Lawns, five and a half acres of lawn at Chatsworth house that is full of wild flowers. Delightful! Could we all …
The 4 Commandments, Henk Gerritsen
For those of you who wish to be ‘natural’ gardeners, the designer Henk Gerritsen laid out four commandments in his book Henk Gerritsen: Essay on Gardening. 1) The use of fertilisers and chemical herbicides is a mortal sin 2) Try to disturb the soil as little as possible 3) Be frugal with water 4) Don’t whinge! Not a bad place to start if you are beginning your journey towards becoming a better gardener. Buy the book by clicking below: A fifth commandment could easily have been – Plant Trees. Planting a tree is a fabulous way to make a natural …