How can you help the honeybee? Here are a few notes for you, on how you can help the honeybee and …
Helping The Honeybee
How can you help the honeybee? Here are a few notes for you, on how you can help the honeybee and other pollinators – because if one plant is full of nectar, you might find butterflies and other bugs want to visit too! Also, The Great British Bee Count has started. If you want to take part, visit here and help map our bees. With everyone helping to collate this information on the amount and type of bees, we will all be better informed on what we need to do to reverse the decline in our ‘buzzing’ population. Helping The Honeybee At …
Wendell Berry On The Importance Of Our Soils
A fantastic programme on the BBC with Wendell Berry. Listen now to this excellent programme: Wendell Berry, The Natural World He discusses the importance of our soils, reads an incredibly depressing poem, asks that we create good work by taking responsibility for doing a ‘specific something’, and explains how, “we are living in an economy that doesn’t value nature whatsoever….” Which ties us in nicely with this report on the BBC today, about the worst offending products on the market for being non-recyclable. The ridiculous notion suggested in the report that we can place a projector in our fridges, to …
5 Ways To Reduce Your Garden’s Carbon Footprint
Reduce Your Carbon Footprint! As part of Chelsea Fringe 2017, we are looking at Carbon in the Garden. This handy guide shows you 5 simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint in your garden. Help spread the word and share this handy guide.