
Making & Maintaining Topiary – Help From Modern Mint

Topiary Service

Modern Mint offers a topiary service.

This means you contact us asking for a helping hand. It can be a shrub, hedge or small tree.

Topiary Make

Darren (that’s me) will then visit you and work out how to make it look great.



A thing of beauty.


Topiary Maintain

Topiary hedge maintenance


Organic Topiary

Formal Topiary? Or Organic?

There are a few different styles of topiary, and as with any art each ‘pruner’ will bring their own imagination to bear on the piece they make.

Two of the most distinct schools are the formal and the organic.

Organic topiary is where you allow the plant to tell you how it needs to be pruned. You follow its strengths and outlines.

You dance a fine line between what you want it to be and what the plant itself is telling you it could become.

Formal topiary is more the crenellations, the chamfers, the tiers and plinths you see in the gardens of old houses.

Everything is straight, the plant is trained with string if necessary and the pieces are normally large and crisply maintained.

Charlotte Molesworth is the lead practitioner of this in the UK.

I learn a lot from her each time we work together in her own garden.

Charlotte Molesworth


If you want to see more, we often post the latest pieces we have made on Instagram.

Help You Make Or Maintain Your Topiary?

First of all you need to choose the right plant. Don’t prune one that won’t grow back!

Secondly, using the right tools is every bit as important. We love, and only use, sharp and shiny Japanese made shears.

Thirdly, take your time. The care you take pruning your plant will show in how good it looks when you are finished.

If you don’t want to clip yourself, or would prefer some guidance the first time, then you can always ask us about it.

I love helping people with their topiary and am happy to answer any questions you might have, so do get in touch now.

Happy clipping!


EBTS Boxwood Growers Forum

Through the European Boxwood and Topiary Society I worked with Chris Poole and Sue Mesher, members of the EBTS board, and we set up a Boxwood Growers Forum. This was to discuss how to make sure this wonderful topiary plant stays in the public conscioussness – we know many growers, suppliers and distributors have stopped selling it as the cost of replacing boxwood that has blight, or is nibbled by the boxwood caterpillar, makes it unviable to offer to clients and gardeners. But Boxwood is a phoenix plant, and there are ways to deal with the problems associated with Buxus. …



Modern Topiarist @ Garden Masterclass Poland

My video on Modern Topiary for Garden Masterclass has been translated into Polish, for the keen gardeners (and happy pruners!) of Garedn Masterclass in Poland. Tickets for the first showing and q and a were available here. But it will become available on the Garden Masterclass Poland website at some point in the near future – so if you are a keen clipper and want to know more, but speak Polish and not English, then I suggest you visit the website and get watching. (Of course, if you don’t speak English, you may not be able to read this…. hmmm… …



Topiary Hotline

The European Boxwood & Topiary Society are to run a Topiary Hotline for keen gardeners and people who love to clip. Date is tomorrow, April 16th 2024, and you can get a ticket for the Zoom meeting here – Topiary Hotline. Run by Chris Poole and myself, we set this up as an antidote to the huge amount of questions we have to answer about topiary throughout the summer. The plus is that their is an excitement around topiary and pruning. The problem is we need to help people in a better way… … so we will be giving people …