Can your garden help reverse the effects of climate change? It most certainly can! Your garden can be an effective …
Our Desert Island Plant
For the Chelsea Fringe 2016 Modern Mint are asking you a simple question: What is your Desert Island Plant? We know, we know – it is a tough question to answer! Out of all the plants out there, all the wonderful flowers you could choose – which could you not live without? See what other people have chosen. We thought long and hard about our choice. A few of the also-rans were: Wild primrose. The ‘first rose’ of the year, a simple flower with a beautiful soft colour. Looks as great en-masse as it does when you peer closely at …
Worth Checking Out… Desert Island Plants
Don’t forget we have our Chelsea Fringe 2016 project under way! We are looking for submissions of your Desert Island Plants, so do get in touch and tell us what flowers you can’t live without! Want to know what others have already sent us? Check it out – Desert Island Plants.
Desert Island Plants… by Modern Mint

Desert Island Plants… by Modern Mint When the amazing Beth Chatto was asked about the plants she could not live without, she said, “Amelanchier lamarckii… Good form in winter, lovely foliage in spring or autumn, prettier than many cherries (daintier) – and interesting longer.” When they asked the brilliant Christopher Lloyd the same question, one of his choices was a dahlia, “ ‘Hillcrest Royal’ is a spiky medium cactus of brilliant purple, not quite magenta colouring.” In 2009 Gardeners’ World asked the nation for their favourite flower. The result? We chose the rose. Now, for the 2016 Chelsea Fringe, we …