
Chelsea Fringe

Chelsea Fringe has started!

From May 17th to June 8th 2014, photographers from three different continents will take a new picture of their garden everyday, creating a gallery of plants from different places and climates so we can see exactly how they change over time.

Click on the name of each contributor to see the gallery:

Amalia Robredo, Uruguay

Willow Jeffries, Italy

Sophie, Australia

Essex, UK

Anthea Harrison, UK

Mr and Mrs Thorne, Germany

Gloria Sanvicente Amor, Belgium

Oana, UK

Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park, UK

The pictures will be taken from May 17th to June 8th 2014 and updated daily.

All gardeners do it – point out the barely noticeable weed seedling tucked into the depths of a vast rhododendron, or apologise over the peony that has collapsed into a soggy heap – as if their companion was aghast and repulsed by the lack of horticultural skill on show.

“You should have seen it last week…” the proud gardener mutters, chastising themselves for their negligence and diving onto their hands and knees, backside thrust into the air, rooting out any stray plants that ruin their vision of perfection.

The companion smiles nervously, wondering why the gardener makes such a fuss… looking around they are content to just be in this outdoor space.

This project aims to give hard working gardeners a break.

Please check back regularly, or follow us on Twitter… to see how the life of each plant unfolds!

Hope you enjoy this project, thank you,
Darren Lerigo
Director, Modern Mint